Trip-O-Meter: 4 out of 5
For all of your patient psychedelic archaeologists, here's your big payoff. I've got to admit that I know less than nothing about troubadour Paul Parrish, except that this release is amazing. It's a very groovy slice of Donovan-inflected psychedelic pop graced by the voice of a fellow that comes across like a hipper Micky Dolenz (although I have to admit that I do dig the Monkees).
Parrish rates as a first rate song writer going by the merits of this album. The first three tracks all sound like hit singles that never where and if the title track hasn't shown up on a Nuggets-style compilation, it certainly deserves to. Bringing up the Donovan comparison again, I might even go as far to say that as an album, I prefer this over Mr. Leitch's LPs. At least it's in cahoots with Sunshine Superman.
Even the covers come across pretty well. Usually, I'm a little wary when I see Beatles covers on an obscure bit of psychedelia, but Perrish pretty much hits the nail on the head on his cover of "You've Got To Hide (Your Love Away)." The album closes with an interesting folk-psych take on Motown with "I Can't Help Myself," although Parrish's voice lacks the grit to really make this one work completely.
As we move through the album, Parrish's tracks get a little more pastoral. "The White Birds (Return to Warm Seas" once again gives Donovan a run for his money,while "Flowers In The Park" tread lightly on Simon and Garfunkel territory (if you're familiar with them, it sounds even more like Heron).
Although coming directly from the deepest fog of obscurity, The Forest Of My Mind rates as a totally first rate album. It's pristine psychedelic folk pop that deserves some latter-day notoriety.
Thanks! I had one of these tracks ("Dialogue of Wind and Lover") from a psychedelia compilation, but I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of it.
Great record. Very chill and laid back. Much appreciated.
Great recording. Thank you for posting and thank you for all the hard work you do to maintain your blog.
File not found :-(
PLEASE re-upload.
It's still there. Make sure that you're copying the entire link.
The cover and the title of this record make it downloadable in my mind.
(the trip-0-meter helps, too)
link work
thanks !
I love that cover and that period in particular is so fascinating. So much experimenting and optimistic spirit. It was trendy to make weird things. I should have been there is my reaction so often when I hear music from that time. I gather much inspiration for my own music from that period. Great review. Thanks.
Downbeat / Chill Out artist Ganga
already have this and yes I can hear the Dolenz reference by the way perish the thought but its Parrish not Perrish!
great music!
check out
calisoulbrother records for rare PSYCH, PROG, soul, jazz, funk, brazil & latin records!
Hi - Searched your blog for password and nothing comes up - how do I open your files without this inmportant, but unecessary key?
As far as I know nothing here has a password. Did it ask you for one?
just found this blog,I'd come here just for the record covers,cheers
The late 60's - early 70's were such a candy store. Too bad programmers didn't have the teeth to enjoy these sweets. Nice post.
I went to high school and a community college with Paul where we spent most of our time in the language lab playing guitars and talking poetry just like in Bob Dylan's Dream... "laughin' & singin' 'til the early hours of the morn". This was Paul's first of 3 albums. I always hated the cover 'art' on this one. First off, Paul was blond-haired. The cover songs weren't his idea. He was told it would help to popularize the album. His songs got better and better as he went along. He was very talented with perfect pitch. Played piano, guitar, and clarinet. Great chess player and poet. He dropped out of the scene and moved to Morro Bay, CA, and I lost track.
Paul is a good friend of mine of many years and is doing well. He isn't as involved in the music business at this time as we all would like, but he has raised a family and is working on a new project.
SteveO, if you see Paul P., tell him that an old friend by the name of John Miller (my name in a former life) would like to see him and say hi. My email is mythmakerjohn@gmail.com thanks.
Another old friend has been thinking of him forever. Anne Wright from the Living End in Detroit, then LA them Morrow Bay. I moved to Austin, Texas and would love to say hey to my old friend!!!!!! Email is annewright@mac.com and can be found on Face Book. Imagine that.
I think that Paul might like to get this message... please.
Hmmm... Seems that Mr. Parrish is a popular man. Hopefully he'll trip on by this site sometime.
I too am a big Paul Parrish fan, as is my brother. I recently noticed that he had composed some songs inspired by the Bahai faith and I'm curious to know if he has maintained an interest in the faith. Also, I'd love to find some links to his many good albums, Song for a Young Girl and Songs, especially.
Great stuff. Many thanks. Great site as well.
This needs a crucial re-post.
Thank you for your precious work.
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