Trip-O-Meter: 2.50 out of 5
Garage-O-Meter: 3 out of 5
The group's producers had other ideas, however, releasing two more albums (The Inner Mystique, One Step Beyond) in 1968 and 1969 , sporting the band's name but not too much else associated with the group. That would probably have been the end of the group's story, but in the early '80s, record buyers and, more particularly, young musicians discovered the Watchband. A set of Australian reissues of the group's albums quickly found a market in America and Europe. Thus, it was no surprise when, in 1994, Sundazed Records reissued the complete Watchband catalog on compact disc. (Am)
Bueno aca va un gran compilado lanzado por Rhino en la decada del 80 para sacar a relucir de vuelta la epoca gloriosa de los Chocolate. Un compilado poco comercial por cierto, con canciones que no eran de lo mas conocidas y joyas, bellezas y documentos poco conocidos hasta la epoca, como los son los temas lanzados bajo el nombre de "The Hogs". Este disco se ve integrado por el vasto repertorio de covers que tocaba la banda, tambien encontraremos lados b, outtakes y tomas no editadas en los futuros albums de la banda. Una vez mas vamos a recordar esta banda y sobre todo a deleitarnos de vuelta escuchandolos. No tiene desperdicio este disco.
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original...garage o meter ! !
Greetings once again Dr. Schluss and Pablo. I wanted to let you know that I've made this blog my featured blog of the week @ http://music-bloggers.blogspot.com
I hope that it helps to introduce many more people to your garage of psychdelic obscurities. I was also wondering if the two of you might be able to help me with a couple of things. If I'm correct, Pablo is from Argentina. I've been planning to start a very ambitious project for some time now. Basically I'm going to create a compilation of music from every country in the world, and the project will be called 'Around The World In 180 Days (Or More)'. I was planning on starting with Argentina since it is the southern most country in South America. Any artists/bands that you might be able to recommend me would be most appreciated. I was also wondering if you could send me an invite to your 2nd Garage of Psychedelic Obscurities. If you're willing to help me out with either of these, my e-mail is: shockw4ve_x at hotmail.com
Thank you once again for everything. Take care.
Thanks for the feature on Digital Meltdown! If you want I'll send you and invite for the 2nd garage, but truth be told I haven't been updating it recently and it's basically just my fallback mirror site in case the main blog once again becomes the victim of unfortunate digital tomfoolery.
dave aguilar one of the most underrated singer. raw as hell. good album, thank you so much
great music!
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Hey Dr,
Stick up the rest of this review wouldja? Just started listening to Chocolate Watchband and I want to read your honourable opinion on them but it has got lost in the ether. Regards, Henry
This one's not actually my review. But this one is:
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