Trip-O-Meter: 4.5 out of 5
Here's a very enjoyable shoegazing EP from the heyday of that particular genre. At least here, the Telescopes practiced the more gauzy form of shoegazing that Slowdive went for rather than something like the distorted growl of Ride or the complete mindwarp of My Bloody Valentine. This is music to completely drift away with.
There only three tracks present here. The title track is the main feature and is an almost perfect single for the genre with a bouncy bass line and great ethereal boy/girl vocals. The elements of this track are modified for the dance floor for the nine minute long "Celestial." That's not to say it's necessarily a dance track, as there is lots of swirling reverb and trippy dub effects. This helps it to be several cuts above a simple 'remix' status. It's more of an instrumentally oriented epic version of the title track.
Sandwiched in between "All A Dream," which I could easily mistake for one of Slowdive's early singles, although the chorus does have a touch of Velvet's style stomp which differentiates it a bit. Of course, this EP came out about the same time as the Slowdive singles, so I'll chalk it up to mutual inspiration.
I have to claim pretty much complete ignorance about the rest of the Telescopes discography, but this sweet taste of their music makes me want to hunt down more.
Thanks for posting this! The Telescopes also released a fantastic self titled album in 1994 that is very similar in style to this EP -- well worth hunting down.
No luck finding that one yet, but that 1994 offering is the main one I'm keeping my eyes open for.
The only one worth getting is called Untitled Second, the rest is rubish.
Thanks for this one !
As this been deleted already ? The link does not work.
Thanks for re-uploading if possible.
Oh, nevermind.
It seems that it's rapidshare that is down. First time I notice that happening.
If you want Untitled Second you could go here...
Big big fan of these guys and always happy to spread the loved.
Thanks for the link! Looking forward to giving it a listen.
hey exploding boy that link dont work. got another one by any chance?
A bit late I lknow, but here's a bunch of stuff by the Telescopes, if it's OK with the Good Doctor to post this.... http://ul.to/f/ivvd1r :)
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