Trip-O-Meter: 3.5 out of 5
I'm not sure if this one is really going to blow your mind. We've got some very exploitative electronic psych here that is sort of like the easy listening early electronica of Perry and Kingsley. Actually, compared to In Sounds From The Way Out, I guess this could 'blow your mind.' With plenty of sound layers plastered on top, it's a fair bit stranger than that slightly better known album, but it doesn't hold a candle to something that the electronically-oriented krautrock pioneers would've cranked out in their sleep.
It's difficult for me to even try and point out the highlights here. The ten tracks breeze by in an EP length 23 minutes and stay remarkably uniform, and with the spy guitar and carnival keyboards would work pretty well for our man Flint. In general, the song titles are superior to the songs themselves, so just play the album all at once. Someone should probably just recycle the tracks names, as they deserve a better home. For better or for worse, the cover art and track names probably are the best things about the album. This is really a touch of 3am listening to amuse your friends with. And that's really about all I can rant on about this one, so sorry for the brief review.
Muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo, tiempo y la excelente música.
Los mejores deseos.
Salud, triunfo y lo mejor para los tuyos.
hey dr.,
un gran disco y un gran esfuerzo el mostrarnos tan buena música...
psycoabrazos desde BCN
I just recently came across this LP(yes, original vinyl)in the basement on a house I just bought!
It is certainly abstract!
the link's dead !! :( please can you fix it?? It'd be great!! I've been looking for this album some time ago but I can't find it for free :P Please!! I'd really appreciate if you can fix the link!
a wonderful cover: i did not heard the record, so i buy the reissue on wah wah rec. it was for a kind of fascination: the project, the limited edition the psychedelic graphic, the text by roger maglio of gear fab rec etc.
now i cry for the money i loose. this lp is really nothing special. instrumental beat of the year 64, good for old jingles on black and white television disturbed by a very primitive synth (synth?) effect like the wind or a bell reverb that is spoiling this 'musiquettes'. plus, the record is annoyingly short.
if you'll have a copy in your hands don't be fooled by the notes talking about krautrock, thimothy leary and lava lamp.. tomorrow i'll try to change this record with that one of la femme, psycho tropical berlin. this don't blow my mind!
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