I must admit that I've been completely focused on rocking out on my Glaze of Cathexis recordings so far this year - I haven't delved into the electronic world of Damaged Tape for months now (but I feel it's coming on). I didn't really get around to compiling my recordings into albums until late 2007, so a fair number of tracks ended up getting shoved straight under the rug. These are eight of the better ones that began showing up after 2005's 'Futara' (2005) on through to outtakes from the 'Stone God' (2007). It a different, and more digital approach than the one I take these days, but there's a shimmering psychedelic glare that still comes through nicely. At this point, I was still going completely maverick with my music and everything you see and hear on this release can be traced back to myself. Fortunately, I can still groove to the sounds I created here, and I hope that you will as well. I still dig the compressed electro-pop vibe I was aiming for on "Olympus Mons" and "Slaarg" as well as the duality of more epic tracks like "Building the New Machine" and "(Re)Creation." My only real regret is that I didn't have the vacumn tubes to toss the sounds through at the time (you'll see the 2006-2007 recording setup in the in
sert photo). I've even come to piece with my strange 'Duran Duran' moments in "Entoptic." Have a gander at these tracks and download them over at Bandcamp:
Damaged Tape - 2007 - Entoptic Visions
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