Trip-O-Meter: -
Here`s a great compilation about this argentinian (my country ! ! ) band... wild beat...great balads, nice touches of a wild dose of garage, simple lyrics... a big influence to all the rest of the southamerican bands of that era. Firs of all the band was knowned as the "Wild Cats", then they`ve changed the name to "Los Gatos Salvajes", the played between 1964 and 1967 before they became "Los Gatos".Highly Recommended. South American Beat. Heavily influenced by Chuck Berry, Presley, Hollies and of course The Beatles.
A great quote in allmusic: "But that's also part of this disc's very real charm — los Gatos Salvajes were five young men who loved rock & roll and played with the sincerity of true believers, blazing a trail for hundreds of Latin rockers who would follow, and the original songs here show they had learned enough from their influences to develop an impressive voice of their own, one which would grow stronger when they later evolved into los Gatos. Fun stuff, and a real eye opener for fans of international garage sounds."
Los Gatos Salvajes (which translates as "The Wild Cats") are generally cited as Argentina's first great beat-era group, playing solid, bluesy garage rock at a time when the scene was hopping in America and the United Kingdom but scarcely existed in Latin America. While los Gatos Salvajes were clearly influenced by the Beatles, it's not hard to tell that they'd been listening to the Rolling Stones and the Yardbirds as well, and the Farfisa organ that made its way into their arrangements suggests they were checking out a few American garage acts as well.
It`s great to hear people talking here about them, I mean , Charly Garcia, Luis Alberto Spinetta and Gustavo Ceratti and other important people in the local scene ...
Banda rosarina pionera del Rock Argentino. Originariamente bautizada los "Wild Cats", en 1964 cantaban en inglés en fiestas y como teloneros de grupos llegados de Buenos Aires. En el repertorio estaban las canciones de Chuck Berry y Elvis Presley. Poco a poco, y con la llegada de Litto Nebbia, se fueron incorporando temas propios (tanto en inglés como en castellano), hasta alternar un estilo más cercano a The Hollies, The Beatles y The Animals.
Un discazo muy completo, dosis garageras en menor proporcion, baladas beat y letras bien simples inhundan este disco repleto de influencias europeas-americanas. Un discazo... es excelente como hablan los musicos de hoy en dia acerca de los Gatos, entre ellos los han citado como referencia musical , Charly , Ceratti y el "Flaco" Spinetta.
Man its always nice to hear a dose of freak-beat-garage ,... yeah no tripometer ... at least 1 or 0,5 ... thanks a lot ....
Mstr Psycho Sexy
Siempre es bueno escuchar algo de Garage argentino... estos mounstruos fueron todos unos pioneros si .........
gracias muy buen trabajo
thanx a loottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ...nice southamerican rock
thanks...nice nice... pretty good...
The lead singer of Los Gatos has an outstanding voice, I look forward to hearing this album.
Podrias reactivar el link please???? Mientras escucha esto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvHpk5MQhJA
gracias y hasta luego!
I just recently came across your blog and I love it. Is it at all possible to repost this one? Thanks in advance!
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